I know that many of you know this, but I'm a teacher. A middle school teacher...A middle school science teacher that absolutely adores teaching...and singing to my students and telling jokes and teaching them in unconventional ways.
I. love. what. I do.
As a matter of fact I love it so much...I love to unwind just as hard over the holidays.
Here is my teacher list of mindless holiday things. If you are ever looking for me over the holidays, here is what I'll be doing.
-Playing the Playstation 4
-Checking out different pictures of Christmas trees
-Checking out Christmas lights
-Listening to Saxquatch (A sasquatch playing a saxophone online)
-Playing wayyy to many games on Words with Friends
-Relaxing and catching up on naps
This year is a little different so I'd love to hear about some mindless things that you are doing just to unwind. I need new ideas.